Preparation Breath

Preparation Breath

It is officially Fall! In the spirit of the season, Content includes A quote or two, thoughtful questions, and a breathing activity you can do without the flute in hand. In fact, this project has turned into a series. Sit back, relax with a hot cup of tea and get inspired by these tidbits.

The trick is to keep breathing. 

- anon

Music is the air that I breathe. It is the blood that flows through my veins 

- John Mayer

Preparation Breath

Have you ever started a piece of music (a song) and had to stop and restart yet not sure why? You probably forgot to take an initial breath. That deep, initial breath helps to relax your muscles, while preparing you to play. It helps you get into character, scan the key signature, time signature, upcoming phrases and more.  That’s a lot isn’t it? Breathing is something musicians work on their entire lives. This is just a taste of the topic and a chance for you to pay attention to your breath. How does it work?

It can be as simple as 1 2 3.  

Think about the music (also called audiate), and feel the beat as you 

1- inhale and 2- exhale 

Repeat if needed.

3-breathe in tempo (rhythmic breath) for at least four counts  (if playing in a 4/4 meter), and play. 

||: 1 2 :|| 3 ||


Here is a video about preparation breath exercises -no flute needed :)

The only tool used, beyond the imagination was:

Share your videos with friends, family, and the world

Thought Provoking Questions for Your Journal.

  1. When was the last time you listened to the sound of your own breathing?

  2. Can you breathe in time with your heartbeat? With a song? With a phrase?

  3. How does it feel to pay attention to the breath? Journal your experience.